Are you involved in construction ?

The BYGG-System is a solution for:

Developers, designers, design managers, master craftsmen and contractors

to work with and implement all the elements they need in construction

CO2 calculations in the BYGG-System   BYGG-System introductory videoMaintenance-System introduction



All data and forms related to construction

Connection to the Hannarr’s price list / Standard cost plans / Detailed cost plans

Tender making – Bid making – Quality system – Project segments settlements


CO2 calculations in the BYGG-System   BYGG-System introductory videoMaintenance-System introduction



All data at in one place

The BYGG-System ensures you work with the right data and thatr everyone works with the same data.

Anytime and wherever you are.


CO2 calculations in the BYGG-System   BYGG-System introductory videoMaintenance-System introduction


The BYGG-System includes the BYGG building price list in electronic form

Realistic cost plans – Price list with around 3,600 items

Index numbers and price level changes – Standard cost plans


CO2 calculations in the BYGG-System   BYGG-System introductory videoMaintenance-System introduction


Ertu í byggingarframkvæmdum?

Þá er Bygg-kerfið lausn fyrir þig!

Bygg-kerfið er öflugt tölvukerfi á netinu sem leiðir þig frá hugmynd til fullbúinnar byggingar
BYGG-kerfið er lausn fyrir:
Framkvæmdaraðila, hönnuði, hönnunarstjóra, byggingarstjóra, iðnmeistara og verktaka, til að vinna með og útfæra alla þá þætti sem þeir þurfa við byggingarframkvæmdir.

CO2 útreikningar í BYGG-Kerfinu  

BYGG-Kerfið kynningarmyndband

Viðhadskerfið kynningarmyndband

BYGG-System is a complete solution for construction projects

With the BYGG-System you have a full overview over your construction projects.


In the BYGG-System you make a realistic cost plan using the BYGG building price list in electrical form. Additionally, you can use standard cost plans for different types of houses and their outside maintenance. 


Increases the probability of getting projects
Minimizes work effort and cost of making bids
Ensures that bids are not too low
Prevents losing projects
Increases profit of projects


In the BYGG-System all the statutory quality systems that need to be approved. Included are quality systems for designers, contractors and the management of the construction.


In the BYGG-System you enter a project contract into the settlements and project items are automatically filled in. The number of items to invoice at each time is entered. The system calculates the cost of each item, the invoice as a whole and the remaining quantity of each project item.

Do you also take care of property maintenance?

Familiarize yourself with the Maintenance System within the BYGG-System